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‘뒤끝작렬’ 성인만화가와 ‘허세작렬’ 섹스칼럼니스트의 현실과 상상을 넘나드는 19금 발칙 연애담! 만화를 그리자는 거에요? 논문을 쓰자는 거에요? 천재적인 그림실력은 가졌으되, 지루하기 짝이 없는 스토리로 인해 그리는 족족 퇴짜를 맞는 만화가 정배! 여지없이 출판사의 퇴짜를 맞던 어느 날! 무려 1억 3천의 상금이 걸린 성인만화 공모전 소식에 스토리 작가를 찾게 되는데!!A comic artist and an unemployed sex columnist are trying to work together in order to win a lucrative comic-book competition. An adult cartoon contest is announced offering a W130 million prize. Da-Rim (Choi Gang-Hee) does translation work for an adult magazine. Da-Rim wants to become a writer. Due to her creativity, Da-Rim is always making mistakes and gets fired by company. Talented cartoonist Jung-Bae (Lee Sun-Kyun) is constantly turned down by publishing companies because of his poor story lines. The two, who seemed perfectly matched, team up for the adult cartoon contest. Trouble is set to brew ...